


  1. Depretis began his term as Prime Minister by initiating an experimental political idea called " Trasformismo " ( transformism ).
  2. However " trasformismo " fed into the debates that the Italian parliamentary system was weak and actually failing; it ultimately became associated with corruption.
  3. The theory of " trasformismo " was that a cabinet should select a variety of moderates and capable politicians from a non-partisan perspective.
  4. While helping Italy develop strategically, he continued " trasformismo " and was authoritarian, once suggesting the use of martial law to ban opposition parties.
  5. While helping Italy develop strategically, Crispi continued " trasformismo " and was authoritarian, once suggesting the use of martial law to ban opposition parties.
  6. It's difficult to find trasformismo in a sentence. 用trasformismo造句挺难的
  7. "' Trasformismo "'( Transformism ) refers to the method of making a flexible unification but which happened before the rise of Benito Mussolini and Fascism.
  8. In practice, " trasformismo " was authoritarian and corrupt, Depretis pressured districts to vote for his candidates if they wished to gain favourable concessions from Depretis when in power.
  9. Giolitti was a master in the political art of " Trasformismo ", the method of making a flexible, centrist coalition of government which isolated the extremes of the right in Italian politics after the unification.
  10. Giolitti was a master in the political art of " Trasformismo ", the method of making a flexible, centrist coalition of government which isolated the extremes of the Italian Liberals did not develop as a structured party.
  11. The system of " trasformismo " was little loved and seemed to be creating a huge gap between'Legal'( parliamentary and political ) Italy, and'Real'Italy where the politicians became increasingly isolated.
  12. He also fought tenaciously for a rigorous separation of the political and administrative spheres of government, and argued against Agostino Depretis's " trasformismo ", in favour of a British-style two-party system.
  13. After the advent of the Left, Minghetti remained for some years in opposition, but towards 1884 joined Depretis in creating the " Trasformismo " ( " Transformation " movement ), which consisted in bringing Conservative support to Liberal cabinets.
  14. This phenomenon, known in Italian as " Trasformismo " ( roughly translatable in English as " transformism "  in a satirical newspaper, the PM was depicted as a chameleon ), effectively removed political differences in Parliament, which was dominated by an undistinguished liberal bloc with a landslide majority until after World War I.
  15. If the Amato government is approved by parliament this week, it will be Italy's 58th government since World War II, and the latest example of the Italian art of " trasformismo " : the process by which governments, built on fragile and often discordant coalitions, easily collapse but are quickly rejiggered, often with the same ministers and policies as before.


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