


  1. His journal is only literature in embryo, his finished work stillborn .
  2. Your music is stillborn and you are unmasked
  3. - lt was stillborn . you almost died . - stop it
  4. Lt was stillborn . you almost died . - stop it
  5. Not stillborn of course
  6. It's difficult to find stillborn in a sentence. 用stillborn造句挺难的
  7. The skull is opened in this third trimester stillborn fetus to reveal hydranencephaly
    此处打开颅骨来自一个7 - 9月的死产胎儿,以显示积水性无脑畸形。
  8. The share reserved shall , if the baby is stillborn , be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession
  9. That day , hall summoned police to a park , saying she had given birth to a stillborn child , hart said
  10. There is no gyral pattern seen here ( lissencephaly ) because this stillborn fetus was under 20 weeks gestation
    此处所示为无脑回类型(无脑回畸形) ,因为这个死产胎儿妊娠期少于20周。
  11. Not only are they more likely to be born prematurely and underweight , but there is also a greater risk that they will be stillborn or with a disability
  12. Conservationists nurture the american condor on a diet of stillborn dairy calves , but weaning them onto marine meat might help them survive without human help
  13. If investors had been told then that america and britain would be bogged down in a civil war four years later , or that oil prices would be $ 70 a barrel , the rally would probably have been stillborn
  14. But in international law , all of these documentaries they made is belong to soft law , have no binding on members . havana chanter developed an entire chapter to the subject of competition policy , but it is stillborn
  15. About 530 000 women a year die in pregnancy or childbirth , more than three million babies are stillborn , more than four million newborns die within the first days or weeks of life , and altogether 10 . 6 million children a year die before their fifth birthday , according to who s latest figures
    根据世卫组织的最新数字,每年约有53万妇女死于妊娠或分娩,有300多万婴儿为死产, 400多万新生儿在生命的最初几天或几周内死亡,并且每年共有1060万儿童在5岁之前死亡。


  1. "stillbay"造句
  2. "stillbirth"造句
  3. "stillbirth and neonatal death society"造句
  4. "stillbirth rate"造句
  5. "stillbirths"造句
  6. "stillborn infant"造句
  7. "stillborn infants"造句
  8. "stillborn records"造句
  9. "stillborns"造句
  10. "stille"造句

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