

  1. Malbolge is now a noisy place populated by tormented lemures, cornugons, and the occasional spinagon.
  2. The black abishai, green abishai, and red abishai lesser baatezu, the amnizu greater baatezu, the barbazu lesser baatezu, the cornugon greater baatezu, the erinyes lesser baatezu, the gelugon greater baatezu, the hamatula lesser baatezu, the lemure, the nupperibo least baatezu, the osyluth lesser baatezu, the pit fiend greater baatezu, and the spinagon least baatezu are detailed in the first " Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix " ( 1994 ).
  3. It's difficult to find spinagon in a sentence. 用spinagon造句挺难的


  1. "spinacias"造句
  2. "spinacino"造句
  3. "spinadesco"造句
  4. "spinae"造句
  5. "spinage"造句
  6. "spinak"造句
  7. "spinaker"造句
  8. "spinal"造句
  9. "spinal abscess"造句
  10. "spinal accessories"造句

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