


  1. Published papers show that Fertiloscopy, even without its inherent salpingoscopy, is fully equivalent to full laparoscopic investigation.
  2. Fertiloscopy combines Lap and Dye, Salpingoscopy and Microsalpingoscopy ( MSC ) and Hysteroscopy in two instruments presented as a single kit.
  3. A distinction is sometimes made between falloposcopy and salpingoscopy ( with salpinoscopy being laparascopic . ) In some contexts the terms are equated.
  4. But because the full procedure includes a dye test and full salpingoscopy / microsalpingoscopy, it produces all the information that could only otherwise be provided by a combination of HSG, plus Lap and Dye, plus Salpingoscopy and Microsalpingoscopy.
  5. But because the full procedure includes a dye test and full salpingoscopy / microsalpingoscopy, it produces all the information that could only otherwise be provided by a combination of HSG, plus Lap and Dye, plus Salpingoscopy and Microsalpingoscopy.
  6. It's difficult to find salpingoscopy in a sentence. 用salpingoscopy造句挺难的


  1. "salpingo"造句
  2. "salpingocyesis"造句
  3. "salpingoecidae"造句
  4. "salpingography"造句
  5. "salpingopharyngeus"造句
  6. "salpingostomy"造句
  7. "salpingotomy"造句
  8. "salpinostomy"造句
  9. "salpinx"造句
  10. "salpinxes"造句

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