


  1. Its ribbonlike fairways slice through knee-high weeds and brush.
  2. Dizzyingly high suspension bridges cast ribbonlike shadows over the top deck.
  3. Each flower is ringed with smaller, ribbonlike, curling bracts.
  4. The sponge has a ribbonlike loop to grasp for removal.
  5. The system has ribbonlike plastic tape threaded with wire and strung on fiberglass rods.
  6. It's difficult to find ribbonlike in a sentence. 用ribbonlike造句挺难的
  7. And yes, you can use the ribbonlike foliage as a mild food seasoning.
  8. It is structurally the same, but appears in ribbonlike patterns that do not completely encircle the cells.
  9. As soon as you are taking a full ribbonlike shaving off both of the boards, you can stop.
  10. That's a flat, ribbonlike cable that connects the hard disk to its controller on the motherboard.
  11. M . sinensis ` Variegatus,'or variegated Japanese silver grass, has ribbonlike green foliage with white stripes.
  12. Every 33 years, the ribbonlike stream of those particles trailing the comet intersects the Earth's orbit around the sun.
  13. In the recent polished paintings in enamel at Cooper the same elements-- colored spheres and ribbonlike lines-- recur.
  14. It's not made of paper, however, but rather of a single ribbonlike crystal _ about 50 microns in diameter.
  15. To release maximum flavor, ask the butcher to saw the rib slab into thirds lengthwise, to make three long, ribbonlike strips.
  16. The silicon carbide aeroshell is meant to shatter on impact, with the probe inside separating into two parts connected by a ribbonlike cable.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "ribbonfishes"造句
  2. "ribboning"造句
  3. "ribbonism"造句
  4. "ribbonleaf pondweed"造句
  5. "ribbonless"造句
  6. "ribbonman"造句
  7. "ribbonmen"造句
  8. "ribbons"造句
  9. "ribbons almark"造句
  10. "ribbons and sugar"造句

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