


  1. By an exceptional combination of circumstances, he became the beneficiary of the collaborationist writer Lucien Rebatet.
  2. It was in Sigmaringen that Rebatet completed " Les Deux 閠endards ", which would be published in 1952 by Gallimard.
  3. Until May 1940, for example, it published an Anti-German political magazine as well as the anti-Semitic pamphlets of C閘ine and Lucien Rebatet.
  4. Rebatet began to write the novel in 1942 and continued to write it in the Sigmaringen enclave, where he fled together with the Vichy government in 1944.
  5. Although Rebatet continued to proclaim his adherence to fascism until his death, his antisemitism became less pronounced after the war, showing even admiration for the state of Israel.
  6. It's difficult to find rebatet in a sentence. 用rebatet造句挺难的
  7. In August 1944 Rebatet fled France for Germany, travelling to the Sigmaringen enclave ( place of refuge for Vichy authorities as well as the more famous French writer, C閘ine ).
  8. On this occasion, he met Pierre Darrigrand, Rebatet's executor, who before dying of cancer asked him to become, in turn, the beneficiary of the writer.
  9. The last man rescued was " Tampico " s paymaster, Rebatet, who was found by " Guerrero ", severely wounded and holding onto a wooden plank of wreckage.
  10. In 1942 Rebatet published a lengthy pamphlet entitled " Les D閏ombres " ( " The Ruins " ), in which he traced the forces he believed to have led France to its fall.
  11. In contrast to the " hard " tendency of Pierre-Antoine Cousteau and Lucien Rebatet, Blond's group wanted to de-emphasise associations with Nazism and instead concentrate on literature, sensing that Nazi defeat was imminent.
  12. Despite his controversial biography, there are those, such as George Steiner, who claim that Lucien Rebatet was a great writer, and that " Les Deux 閠endards " in particular deserves to be considered an important novel in French literary history.
  13. "' Lucien Rebatet "'( 15 November 1903  24 August 1972 ) was a antisemite but also as the author of " Les Deux 閠endards ", regarded by some as one of the greatest novels of the post-war era.
  14. Long before the outbreak of war between France and Nazi Germany, Rebatet expressed sympathy for National Socialism, notably in his articles for " Je suis partout " ( " I Am Everywhere " ), in which he accused Jews of fomenting a war to topple Adolf Hitler s r間ime.
  15. During the 1930s  especially after the 6 February 1934 crisis many of Action Fran鏰ise members turned to fascism, such as Robert Brasillach, Lucien Rebatet, Abel Bonnard, Paul Chack, Claude Jeantet, etc . Most of them belonged to the staff of the fascist newspaper " Je suis partout ".
  16. He firmly accused Third Republic politicians and its military leadership, as well as French Jews-who he claimed were the prime cause of France's political and military woes . " Les D閏ombres " is the clearest expression of Rebatet's fascism, as well as his most virulently antisemitic work.
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