


  1. The name of the palaeontologist , anyway
  2. Another conflict between palaeontologists and molecular biologists seems to have been similarly resolved
  3. The palaeontologist claimed that he had found a unique dinosaur fossil but it turned out to be a mare ' s nest
  4. That is because palaeontologists themselves are generally a temperate species and are most commonly found in the northern hemisphere
  5. Gregory paul , a palaeontologist not involved in the study , is unconvinced by the theory , although he allows the model is plausible
  6. It's difficult to find palaeontologist in a sentence. 用palaeontologist造句挺难的
  7. Forty years ago , for example , palaeontologists thought that hominids , the group of primates that includes modern humans , had been distinct from other apes for some 25m years
  8. Palaeontologists excavating a dump outside barcelona have found a skull dating back 14m years that could belong to a common ancestor of apes and humans
  9. And we travel to inner mongolia to both search for pterosaur fossils and to see if a team of palaeontologists , scientists , aerialists and engineers can reconstruct a pterosaur in order to establish how an animal that large flew
  10. To find answers he seeks out palaeontologist paul sereno , who is out in the parched sands of the sahara unearthing the fossil of an incredible example of a 35 - foot ancient crocodile that may be the largest croc that ever lived
  11. After hiring jane as an assistant on a fossil - hunting dig in africa , noted palaeontologist and anthropologist dr . louis leakey arranged for jane to travel to gombe to study the behaviour of the chimpanzees that make their home there
  12. When archaeopteryx , a feathered skeleton that was seemingly half dinosaur and half bird , turned up in 1862 ? three years after the publication of “ the origin of species ” ? the origin of birds became a subject of raging debate among palaeontologists
  13. What palaeontologists coyly refer to as soft tissue is preserved only in unusual circumstances , so obvious signs of whether a fossil is male or female disappears as tissues decay - aside from the very rare occasion when eggs are found in a body cavity


  1. "palaeontographical society"造句
  2. "palaeontologia africana"造句
  3. "palaeontological"造句
  4. "palaeontological association"造句
  5. "palaeontologies"造句
  6. "palaeontologists"造句
  7. "palaeontology"造句
  8. "palaeopascichnus"造句
  9. "palaeopathological"造句
  10. "palaeopathologies"造句

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