

  1. At another place they are in a list with the Shakas, Kankas and Pahlavas.
  2. These warriors include the Barbaras, the Kambojas, the Pahlavas, the Shakas, and the Yavanas.
  3. Later they had to contend in protecting their domain from the incursions of Sakas, Yonas and the Pahlavas.
  4. Among the tribes termed Mlechcha were Sakas, Huns, Yavanas, Kambojas, Pahlavas, Bahlikas and Rishikas.
  5. Pahlavas and the Kasmira were mentioned at ( 3, 51 ) as bringing tribute to Pandava king Yudhishthira.
  6. It's difficult to find pahlavas in a sentence. 用pahlavas造句挺难的
  7. The inscription states that he defeated the Shakas ( Western Kshatrapas ), the Pahlavas ( Indo-Greeks ).
  8. The Vayu Purana, Brahamanda Purana and several other Puranas mention the Pahlavas with the tribes of Uttarapatha or north-west.
  9. There are references to the hordes of the Sakas, Yavanas, Kambojas, and Pahlavas in the Bala Kanda of the Valmiki Ramayana.
  10. Manusmriti lists the Yavanas with the Kambojas, Sakas, Pahlavas, Paradas etc . and regards them as degraded Kshatriyas ( Hindu caste ).
  11. The Kiskindha Kanda of Ramayana associates the Pahlavas with the Yavanas, Shakas, Kambojas, Himalayan territories i . e . in the Sakadvipa.
  12. Evidence from Udyogaparava of the " Mahabharata " associates the Rishikas with the Kambojas, Shakas and Pahlavas near the Anupa region ( Anupadesha ):
  13. The Sakas, the Kiratas, the Yavanas, and the Pahlavas were mentioned in a battle-array formed by the Kauravas ( 6, 20 ).
  14. According to Vayu Purana and Matsya Purana, river Chakshu ( Oxus or Amu Darya ) flowed through the countries of Pahlavas, Tusharas, Lampakas, Paradas and the Sakas etc.
  15. Balakanda of Ramayana also groups the Yavanas with the Kambojas, Sakas, Pahlavas etc . and refers to them as the military allies of Himavat ( i . e . Hindukush ).
  16. Numerous Puranic literature groups the Yavanas with the Sakas, Kambojas, Pahlavas and Paradas and refers to the peculiar hair styles of these people which were different from those of the Hindus.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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