

  1. In season four, Ventress returns to the Nightsisters.
  2. The Jedi have to defeat her in order to gain more information on the Nightsisters.
  3. These witches live in different clans that include a group of of dark siders calld Nightsisters.
  4. Grievous is later sent to the planet Dathomir under Dooku's orders to exterminate the Nightsisters.
  5. She turns to the Nightsisters of Dathomir for help, and they engineer Savage Opress to serve as Dooku's new apprentice.
  6. It's difficult to find nightsisters in a sentence. 用nightsisters造句挺难的
  7. The " Singing Mountain Clan " and the Nightsisters are at war with eachother-and with visitors who fail to show the proper respect.
  8. In season three, Ventress'back story is explained : she hails from the planet Dathomir and was sold by the Nightsisters to criminals.
  9. Back on Dathomir, the Skywalkers, the Raining Leaves, and the Broken Columns wage war with the Nightsisters and the rancors under their control.
  10. It is a long and hard war, but in the end, the Nightsisters'enemies prevail, and the dark side witches give up.
  11. While there, he destroys most of the Nightsisters ( including their powerful leader, Gethzirion, and the galaxy's most powerful remaining warlord, Warlord Zsinj ).
  12. She undergoes the ritual to become a full-fledged Nightsister, but is thwarted when Grievous'droid army slaughter the Nightsisters while their matriarch Mother Talzin is rendered incorporeal.
  13. Then the Solos are called back to Coruscant by Chief of State Natasi Daala, leaving the Skywalkers alone with the Raining Leaves and the Broken Columns to face the Nightsisters.
  14. Qorl discovers the Shadow Academy, a training ground for Dark Jedi commanded by one of Luke Skywalker's fallen students, Brakiss, along with the remains of the Dathomiri Nightsisters.
  15. Their search leads them to Tenel Ka's home planet of Dathomir, where the Nightsisters and the Singing Mountain clan, old enemies and friends of Luke and Han, reside.
  16. 更多例句:  下一页


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