


  1. Damn them ! he muttered , while his head was hidden in the nightshirt
  2. And t other chap , and a long white cotton nightshirt and a ruffled nightcap to match
  3. The devil brought them here ! he thought , as tihon slipped his nightshirt over his dried - up old body and his chest covered with grey hair
  4. I saw him as an apparition from the next world in his white hospital nightshirt , pale and bony and with those yellow hellhound ' s eyes that looked at me forever
  5. What was left of him , rotted beneath what was left of the nightshirt , had become inextricable from the bed in which he lay ; and upon him and upon the pillow beside him lay that even coating of the patient and biding dust
  6. It's difficult to find nightshirt in a sentence. 用nightshirt造句挺难的
  7. Tihon was used to the princes habit of expressing his thoughts aloud , and so it was with an unmoved countenance that he met the wrathful and inquiring face that emerged from the nightshirt . gone to bed ? inquired the prince
  8. He was just the same as ever ; but the flush on his face , his shining eyes , gazing passionately at her , and especially the soft , childlike neck , showing above the lay - down collar of the nightshirt , gave him a peculiarly innocent , childlike look , such as she had never seen in him before
  9. He deposited the articles of clothing on a chair , removed his remaining articles of clothing , took from beneath the bolster at the head of the bed a folded long white nightshirt , inserted his head and arms into the proper apertures of the nightshirt , removed a pillow from the head to the foot of the bed , prepared the bedlinen accordingly and entered the bed


  1. "nightshades"造句
  2. "nightshapes"造句
  3. "nightshift"造句
  4. "nightshifts"造句
  5. "nightshine"造句
  6. "nightshirts"造句
  7. "nightshot"造句
  8. "nightside"造句
  9. "nightside eclipse"造句
  10. "nightside series"造句

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