


  1. Lamashtu appears as a major goddess of the Pathfinder campaign setting.
  2. Akin to Lilitu, Lamashtu primarily preyed on newborns and their mothers.
  3. Lamashtu is a historically older image that left a mark on the figure of Lilith.
  4. Lamashtu received further description in the fourth edition book " Demonomicon " ( 2010 ).
  5. He excludes Lamashtu and Pazuzu as candidate demons and states : " Perhaps we have here a third representation of a demon.
  6. It's difficult to find lamashtu in a sentence. 用lamashtu造句挺难的
  7. Pazuzu, a god or demon, was invoked to protect birthing mothers and infants against Lamashtu's malevolence, usually on amulets and statues.
  8. Lamashtu, Lilitu, and Gallu are invoked in different amulet texts, with Gallu showing up in Graeco-Byzantine myth as Gello, Gylo, or Gyllo.
  9. The Medusa figure closely resembles " Mistress of Animals " deities found in the Near East and also resembles Mesopotamian demoness Lamashtu who was the equivalent of the Greek deity Lamia.
  10. In " Demonomicon " ( 2010 ), Lamashtu has recently gained control of Torremor, taking it from Pazuzu, though she has yet to escape from her prison.
  11. "' Lamashtu "'is the demon queen of monstrous births, in the " Dungeons & Dragons " roleplaying game, currently imprisoned by her former lover Pazuzu.
  12. Across the room is a tiny amulet, just an inch or so high, which would have been worn by a pregnant woman to ward off Lamashtu, a particularly nasty demon in the habit of killing newborns.
  13. Lamashtu is depicted as a mythological hybrid, with a hairy body, a lioness'head with donkey's teeth and ears, long fingers and fingernails, and the feet of a bird with sharp talons.
  14. Although Pazuzu was said to be bringer of famine and drought, he was also invoked against evil for protection, and against plague, but he was primarily and popularly invoked against his fierce, malicious rival Lamashtu.
  15. She's shown here cackling with glee and carrying off the bribes the mother-to-be has given her to go away : a comb and safety pin, trinkets whose modesty suggests Lamashtu should up the ante.
  16. In Mesopotamian mythology, "'Lamashtu "'( d " Dim 3-me " ) was a female demon, monster, malevolent goddess or demigoddess who menaced women during childbirth and, if possible, kidnapped their children while they were breastfeeding.


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  10. "lamassu"造句

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