


  1. He and Kaleri completed the MCSA cable installation and attached a Kurs docking antenna.
  2. April stach die verabredete Hanseflotte von Hamburg aus mit Kurs auf Ostfriesland in See.
  3. Progress M-64 was launched by a Soyuz-U carrier rocket from Kurs system.
  4. Two women were consulted over this constitution and they were Minni Kurs-Olesk and Asson.
  5. The problem occurred at 01 : 23 GMT while the KURS-NA system was being activated.
  6. It's difficult to find kurs in a sentence. 用kurs造句挺难的
  7. The KURS system on board the ISS as well as the Progress was activated for navigational purposes.
  8. Inspection of a Kurs antenna on the Zvezda Service Module on 26 October 2006 was the next task.
  9. Russia has already said it plans to stop using the Kurs automatic docking system, which has failed repeatedly.
  10. Progress M-46 was launched by a Soyuz-U carrier rocket from Kurs " docking system.
  11. Flying on autopilot using the KURS automated system, the spacecraft docked to the aft docking port of Zvezda.
  12. If Kurs fails, Soyuz flight commander Avdeyev can dock his ship manually, but the procedure is more complicated.
  13. These show that Riga was inhabited mainly by the Kurs, Kursified Livs, and Livs of the Daugava river basin.
  14. In addition to its standard navigation hardware, the satellite is carrying a new system called the Kurs, ITAR-Tass said.
  15. The Crew activated the KURS Navigation System that provides accurate range and velocity data for the spacecraft's on-board computers.
  16. However one of the spacecraft's Kurs antennae, used for approach and docking, failed to deploy at the scheduled time.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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