


  1. 7 . we found ent - kaurene oxdase belong to a multigene family by southern blot . we deduced that multigene response to different development signal
  2. The full length of the strawberry ent - kaurene oxidase has 1650 bp , and code region has 539aa . the similarity among three rose family specy are 65 % , 79 % , 57 % . 2
    苹果,草莓和桃3种蔷薇科植物的贝壳杉烯氧化酶的序列同源性分别为65 , 79 , 57 , 58 。
  3. In this article we cloned two crucial gibberellins biosynthesis enzyme genes : ent - kaurene oxidase and 20 - oxidase , and we investigated their expression patterns . 1
    本文克隆了赤霉素生物合成途径中关键合成酶:贝壳杉烯氧化酶和20 -氧化酶,并研究了二者在果树生长发育中的表达规律。
  4. By investigate the primary structure of strawberry ent - kaurene oxidase , we found that it has four conserve amino acid sequence . it suggested that these conserved regions are important in gene function
  5. We cloned two ent - kaurene oxidase homologues from the reverse transcriptional products of different strawberry tissue , the identity of these two homologues is 88 . 2 % . it suggest us that it belongs to a gene family . 3
    在丰香草莓的不同发育部位克隆到同源性为88 . 2的两个贝壳杉烯氧化酶的基因片段,预示着此基因是个基因家族。
  6. It's difficult to find kaurene in a sentence. 用kaurene造句挺难的
  7. We designed degenerate primers of consensus amino acid sequences of ent - kaurene oxdase , and use them to amply the middle segments of apple , strawberry and peach , and then we designed specific primers insides these middle segments to amplify 3 " termini , and 5 " termini . finally we got the full length of strawberry and 3 ' teminal of peach
    利用保守区域的兼并引物克隆了平邑甜茶,丰香草莓和碧桃贝壳杉烯氧化酶基因的长为410bp的中间片段,以中间片段序列为线索又克隆到萆莓贝壳杉烯氧化酶的全长,和碧桃此酶的3 ’端。
  8. 4 . we use half quantification and digoxigenin detection to investigate the expression pattern of ent - kaurene oxidase . we found that it was regulated by development , it expressed high in the fast growing tissue , expanded leaves under a fast growing circumstance also express high level of ent - kaurene oxidase
    利用半定量rt - pcr的方法结合地高辛标记法,贝壳杉烯氧化酶在果树中的表达是受发育调控的,其在旺盛生长的组织中表达量高,在植株旺长期的成年叶中表达量也很高。


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