

  1. An estimated 120 square miles of 18 Japane se industrial cities have been destroyed so far in the B-29 raids.
  2. The Cabinet was expected to approve the plan next week after which Japane's defense chief, Shigeru Ishiba, would have the final say on when the 1, 000 air, marine and ground forces would be sent, the Mainichi, a major daily, reported.
  3. It's difficult to find japane in a sentence. 用japane造句挺难的


  1. "japanator"造句
  2. "japanazis"造句
  3. "japancakes"造句
  4. "japandorf"造句
  5. "japandroids"造句
  6. "japanee"造句
  7. "japanes"造句
  8. "japanese"造句
  9. "japanese fir"造句
  10. "japanese 10th division"造句

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