

  1. Flight characteristics were found to be pleasing, but before plans could be made for mass production, Iberavia was acquired by AISA.
  2. Originally designed by the Spanish aircraft company Iberavia, its first ( of two ) prototype flew on 16 July undercarriage and a large, bubble canopy over the two side-by-side seats.
  3. *Iberavia I-11 EC-AFE ( Or Iberavia I-11 ), Spanish low-wing monoplane of conventional configuration with fixed, tricycle undercarriage and a large, bubble canopy over the two side-by-side seats.
  4. *Iberavia I-11 EC-AFE ( Or Iberavia I-11 ), Spanish low-wing monoplane of conventional configuration with fixed, tricycle undercarriage and a large, bubble canopy over the two side-by-side seats.
  5. It's difficult to find iberavia in a sentence. 用iberavia造句挺难的


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