


  1. Must needs propagate a hellish breed within them . but , if they seek to glorify god , let them not lift heavenward their unclean hands
  2. Then he hitches his belt sailor fashion and with a shrug of oriental obeisance salutes the court , pointing one thumb heavenward
  3. Heavenward without a sigh - had the foreboding of untimely death upon him , and would soon leave them in their tears ! this idea of his
  4. You know that even though you are saints , you are here . you are here and you are there . master points heavenward
  5. They turned and saw the strange dog standing within a few feet of where potter was lying , and facing potter , with his nose pointing heavenward
  6. It's difficult to find heavenward in a sentence. 用heavenward造句挺难的
  7. Swelled heavenward , and uplifted him on its ascending wave . nevertheless , so abstracted was his look , it might be questioned whether mr . dimmesdale even heard the music
  8. The mathematician gazed heavenward in supplication , and then intoned , " in scotland there exists at least one field , containing at least one sheep , at least one side of which is black .
    数学家乞求的看着天空,之后吟咏到: “在苏格兰存在着最少一个牧场,之中最少有一只羊,最少其一面是黑色的。 ”
  9. Were themselves so rugged in their infirmity , believed that he would go heavenward before them , and enjoined it upon their children , that their old bones should be buried close to their young pastor s holy
  10. You may take an optional cruise on lake powell , with a shoreline of 1960 mile to navajo indian reservation . arrive at the mountain valley in the afternoon . mammoth monoliths and immense rock spires stretch heavenward from the desert floor
  11. The panorama passed before their eyes like a flash , save when the steam concealed it fitfully from the view ; the travellers could scarcely discern the fort of chupenie , twenty miles south - westward from benares , the ancient stronghold of the rajahs of behar ; or ghazipur and its famous rose - water factories ; or the tomb of lord cornwallis , rising on the left bank of the ganges ; the fortified town of buxar , or patna , a large manufacturing and trading place , where is held the principal opium market of india ; or monghir , a more than european town , for it is as english as manchester or birmingham , with its iron foundries , edge - tool factories , and high chimneys puffing clouds of black smoke heavenward
  12. She is as in a field a silken tent at midday when the sunny summer breeze has dried the dew and all its ropes relent , so that in guys it gently sways at ease , and its supporting central cedar pole , that is its pinnacle to heavenward and signifies the sureness of the soul , seems to owe naught to any single cord , but strictly held by none , is loosely bound by countless silken ties of love and thought to everything on earth the compass round , and only by one ' s going slightly taut in the capriciousness of summer air is of the slightest bondage made aware


  1. "heavensent"造句
  2. "heavensgate"造句
  3. "heavenstamp"造句
  4. "heavenstone"造句
  5. "heavensward"造句
  6. "heavenward grand prix"造句
  7. "heavenwards"造句
  8. "heaver"造句
  9. "heaverham"造句
  10. "heavers"造句

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