


  1. Wild turkeys are smaller, leaner, with denser flesh and an enticingly sweet gaminess.
  2. But most Americans are used to a delicate blandness rather than the slight gaminess that connoisseurs desire.
  3. And there remains a gaminess to the gay and lesbian demimonde of anonymous sex that thrives after dark.
  4. Will it be possible for the virtuosos who write political novels to top the gaminess and authenticity of the Starr report?
  5. From a South African producer, a lovely combination of the gaminess I like in a syrah blended with chocolate and raspberry fruit.
  6. It's difficult to find gaminess in a sentence. 用gaminess造句挺难的
  7. The meats, served roasted with browned onions, had a rich flavor similar to beef, with only a hint of gaminess.
  8. I had eaten kangaroo once before, but this was superb _ rare, tender and without a trace of the gaminess that some people find.
  9. To cut the meat's gaminess, he adds some juice from oranges, which have started coming to the Marines now that supply lines are secure.
  10. The soft-cooked leeks serve as an excellent foil to the deep winy flavour and creamy texture of the duck liver and the slight hint of gaminess in the quail.
  11. For this version, to expand on the classic mirepoix _ carrot, celery and onion _ I added parsnips and juniper berries, flavors that enhance the gaminess of the turkey.
  12. He served it with a peppery salami of donkey ( better than one would think ), soft polenta and a stew of young horse ( much better than one would think, with hardly a whiff of gaminess ).
  13. The Murray's had a slightly better texture, but it was stringy and wet, had no aroma and was flavorless compared with the Eberly, which was rich, meaty and had a subtle gaminess like a bird from the wild.
  14. And to my surprise, the absence of browning had in no way robbed the meat of flavor; we felt as if we were tasting the very essence of lamb, with no gaminess, a taste of fresh air and spring pastures.
  15. Thick squares of beautifully charred lamb loin are served in a sweet reduction of red wine and garlic surrounding a layered mound of tomatoes and zucchini, while rich, meaty squab has a lively gaminess cushioned by a velvety sauce of red wine and foie gras.
  16. While de Meirelles detects a slight gaminess in the meat, Katy Sparks, the chef at Quilty's, likes buffalo because it is not gamy and because, she said, compared with beef, " there is no animal aroma in your nose _ it is a much cleaner, lighter flavor ."


  1. "gamindustri"造句
  2. "gamine"造句
  3. "gaminerie"造句
  4. "gamines"造句
  5. "gaminesque"造句
  6. "gaminesses"造句
  7. "gaming"造句
  8. "gaming act"造句
  9. "gaming act 1845"造句
  10. "gaming addiction"造句

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