


  1. Another factor in the high death rates may be the types of roads in exurbia.
  2. If it doesn't, Fox has a couple of shows dwelling in Nielsen exurbia, not exactly uncharted territory.
  3. Andrea Seastrand of Santa Barbara and Bill Baker, from the posh exurbia east of Oakland, were also doctrinaire conservatives.
  4. The road cuts through a quiet swath of rolling cornfields and creeping exurbia on the southern flank of this capital city.
  5. I couldn't figure out how to tell the people in exurbia that I had written a book about them.
  6. It's difficult to find exurbia in a sentence. 用exurbia造句挺难的
  7. The projects featured in the three test issues have primarily been in white, upper-middle-class suburbia or exurbia.
  8. With no mountains or oceans to block Atlanta's growth, farmland and forest have been swiftly paved into nondescript exurbia.
  9. He has monitored the madness, watching from his exile in exurbia as his former team dissolves in a whirlpool of toxic karma.
  10. Outlet stores, the name-brand discounters clustered at the far edge of exurbia, have leveled off, with about 300 nationwide.
  11. ON THE WEB : For more information about this topic : arch . virginia . edu / exurbia / death-in-exurbia . pdf
  12. ON THE WEB : For more information about this topic : arch . virginia . edu / exurbia / death-in-exurbia . pdf
  13. "Exurbia ", McGrann's second novel, set in Los Angeles in the mid 80s during the dedicated to her parents.
  14. The contours of that divide fell along stark geographic lines : Democrats concentrating in dense urban areas and inner suburbs, Republicans expanding in exurbia and rural America.
  15. Floods of suburbia and exurbia are washing away communities, and with them values and relationships the human race has practiced and polished as far back as we know about.
  16. But so, too, does the growth of exurbia raise political concerns among others, including environmentalists and longer-term residents of towns being swallowed up in development.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


  1. "exurb"造句
  2. "exurban"造句
  3. "exurban growth"造句
  4. "exurbanite"造句
  5. "exurbanites"造句
  6. "exurbias"造句
  7. "exurbs"造句
  8. "exursion"造句
  9. "exutory"造句
  10. "exuvia"造句

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