


  1. But an egalitarian land reform program alone is no guarantee of successful agricultural and rural development .
  2. From their point of view it will lead to internal rearrangements toward a more egalitarian society in the united states .
  3. Japan prides itself on being an egalitarian society
  4. Pubs pride themselves on their egalitarian atmosphere
  5. We are talking about a non - exclusive , egalitarian brotherhood
  6. It's difficult to find egalitarian in a sentence. 用egalitarian造句挺难的
  7. Professional designers reckon that the kitchen of the future will be a more egalitarian place
  8. The same egalitarian approach starts off by regarding all sources as equal , regardless of merit
  9. Actually , if one looks at a broad sweep of history , it is the relatively egalitarian 20th century that seems the exception
  10. Even the most ardent egalitarians would find it hard to object to an einstein appearing every 50 years or a chopin every century
  11. The name " peer - to - peer " suggests an egalitarian relationship between peers and , more importantly , suggests direct interactions between peers
    Peer - to - peer "这个名字意味着各个peer之间的关系是平等的,并且它们之间的联系是直接的。
  12. In the beginning , says malone , our ancestors lived as small groups of hunter - gatherers , enjoying close - knit social bonds and egalitarian decision - making
  13. Adorno ' s critique of culture industry is based on the idea of an egalitarian dialectics between spiritual and material culture , reason and sensibility , mind and impulse
  14. Egalitarian instincts are in his dna . " i was raised in a home where my father was always for the underdog , " says neeleman , one of seven children
    “平等”深深地植根于尼尔曼心中,家中还有6个兄弟姐妹,他说: “父亲总是帮助受压迫者,我就是在这样的一个家庭中长大的” 。
  15. They are surely right to note that it is a remarkably convenient banner for opponents of the market economy , be they egalitarians or deep - green environmentalists
    他们指出(这点无疑是正确的) ,对于反对市场经济的人? ?无论是平等主义者还是环保主义者,这都是一个相当方便的旗号。
  16. And the long egalitarian distribution system , leading to the deficiencies in staff and organization performance appraisal , is a business management " short bucket " of the " buckets "
    其中长期平均主义分配体制导致的员工与组织的绩效考评缺失己经成为企业管理“水桶”中的“短板” 。
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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  6. "egalitarian communities"造句
  7. "egalitarian community"造句
  8. "egalitarian dialogue"造句
  9. "egalitarian distribution"造句
  10. "egalitarian family"造句

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