


  1. These conditions at first continued in the subsequently established ecclesiasticism took root slowly.
  2. Ecclesiasticism was widely evident in the arts.
  3. Sphere sovereignty is an alternative to the worldviews of ecclesiasticism and secularism ( especially in its Statist form ).
  4. He considered the " personal religion " to be " more fundamental than either theology or ecclesiasticism ", and states:
  5. Religious experiences belonged to the " personal religion, " which he considered to be " more fundamental than either theology or ecclesiasticism ".
  6. It's difficult to find ecclesiasticisms in a sentence. 用ecclesiasticisms造句挺难的
  7. While Protestantism maintained a full-orbed or holistically religious view of life as distinguished from an ecclesiasticism, the later secular Enlightenment sought to rid society of religion entirely.
  8. According to Schwegler, the puteal originally indicated that the place had been struck by lightning, and the story is a reminiscence of the early struggle between the state and ecclesiasticism.
  9. Cabet's notion of a Christ's mission to be to establish social equality, and contrasted primitive Christianity with the ecclesiasticism of Cabet's time to the disparagement of the latter.
  10. Kuyper's worldview asserted the principle of " sphere sovereignty ", rejecting both ecclesiasticism ( rule of the Church over all parts of the society ) and statist secularism ( rule of the state over all parts of the society ).
  11. Over the next 30 years he refined his analysis, expanding his case studies to include nearly every field of science over the entire history of Christianity but also narrowing his target from " religion " through " ecclesiasticism " to " dogmatic theology ."
  12. Afghan history records indicate that in 1901, the then Emir of Afghanistan, the head of the state, publicly performed the priestly functions by celebrating the Mohamed, whereupon the Emir of Afghanistan delivered an address inspired by an " intolerant ecclesiasticism ".
  13. Behnam is known for his critique of Western literary culture and persona, stating that it represents the Christian ecclesiasticism . " He has further stated that " none of the four mythical characters of Western civilization, that is, Faust, Hamlet, Don Juan, or Don Quixote represent the material spirit of that civilization.
  14. About the same time he renewed his attacks on Guadagnini and Tamburini, refuting what he saw as the former's state-deifying proclivities in " L'Economia della Fede Cristiana " ( Brescia, 1790 ) and the latter's anti-ecclesiasticism in " Problema si i Giansenisti siano Giacobini " ( Rome, 1794 ) . " L'Economia della Fede Cristiana " was incorporated by Jacques Paul Migne in his " D閙onstrations Evang閘iques ", vol.


  1. "ecclesiastical vestments"造句
  2. "ecclesiastical year"造句
  3. "ecclesiasticall"造句
  4. "ecclesiastically"造句
  5. "ecclesiasticism"造句
  6. "ecclesiastics"造句
  7. "ecclesiasticss"造句
  8. "ecclesiasticus"造句
  9. "ecclesiasticuss"造句
  10. "ecclesiasts"造句

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