


  1. _The American Dietetic Association : www . eatright . org
  2. American Dietetic Association : http : / / www . eatright . org
  3. 1-800-366-1655 or www . eatright . org.
  4. American Dietetic Association : http : / / www . eatright . org/
  5. American Dietetic Association : www . eatright . org
  6. It's difficult to find eatright in a sentence. 用eatright造句挺难的
  7. It also maintains the site eatright . org.
  8. Web site : www . eatright . org
  9. American Dietetic Association : http : / / www . eatright . org / womenshealth / breastcancer . html
  10. More information : www . eatright . org; click on Healthy Lifestyle, then on Nutrition Fact Sheets.
  11. The position paper offers much more, and you can read the entire piece at www . eatright . org.
  12. The American Dietetic Association Web site, www . eatright . org, recommends that no more than 10 percent of our daily diet should be in saturated fats.
  13. The American Dietetic Association's ( www . eatright . org ) recent book is " The Health Professional's Guide to Populary Dietary Supplements ."
  14. The American Dietetic Association also has a listing of nutritionists that can be searched by ZIP code or city on its World Wide Web site, at http : / / www . eatright . org.
  15. Magazine, " Nutrition Today ", " Nutrients ", and eatright . org and Food & Nutrition Magazine ( both of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ), along with numerous other nutrition industry publications.
  16. The American Dietetic Association ( www . eatright . org / nfs / ) can get you started eating right, and the the American Medical Association ( www . ama-assn . org / insight / spec _ con / stroke / stroke . htm ) has more information about strokes.
  17. 更多例句:  下一页


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