

  1. "' Daimonion "'is the 10th studio album by the electronic music group Project Pitchfork.
  2. The original Greek word " Koine ( " daimonion " ), and later ascribed to any cognate words sharing the root.
  3. Throughout The Gospel of Mark, the terms " pneuma " ( with a pejorative modifier ) and " daimonion " seem to be equivalent.
  4. It is the official Daimonion's debut and at the same time a re-issue of the formerly self-released material circulating underground in the form of CD-R copies.
  5. He made several references to his personal spirit, or " daimonion ", although he explicitly claimed that it never urged him on, but only warned him against various prospective actions ..
  6. It's difficult to find daimonion in a sentence. 用daimonion造句挺难的
  7. Daimonion have played many concerts in Poland, including major events and festivals : Jarocin Festival ( Jarocin 1994 ) Love Like Blood and Breath of Life ( Cracow 1995 ) and developed a moderate following.
  8. A "'demon "'( from Koine Greek " daimonion " ) is a supernatural, often malevolent being prevalent in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology and folklore.
  9. Long to come " " Daimonion " ", released in 2001 can even top this string of successes : The album rockets to number 8 in the German charts, a huge European tour supports the release.
  10. "' Ivar Bj鴕nson "'( born November 27, 1977 in Etne ) is a Destroyer " under the name " Daimonion "; and also produced the first demo from black metal band Orcustus.
  11. To the jurors who voted to acquit him, Socrates gives encouragement : That his supernatural " daimonion " did not interfere with his conduct of the legal defence, which he viewed as a sign that such a defence was the correct action.
  12. The phrase may be used instead of " daimonion " ( 50 occurrences ) or a verbal form of " daimonizesthai ", " to be possessed by a demon " or " to be or act as a demoniac, " as indicated by usage in parallel versions of the same story.
  13. In that way, the " daimonion " communicated to Socrates that death might be a good thing; either death is annihilation ( release from earthly worry ) and not to be feared; or death is migration ( higher plane of existence ) to where reside the souls of personages and heroes, such as Hesiod and Homer and Odysseus.
  14. Jacenty Ddek's photos have been published in album editions such as : Czstochowa for Everybody ( 1999 ), Great Water ( 1998 ), Richard Mamis : Daimonion ( 2000 ), Czstochowa Calendarium ( 2001 ), Tomasz Stowski : Museum of Imagination ( 2003 ), Poland ( 2003 ) and in New Europe, a special edition by National Geographic Poland.
  15. The association of physical and spiritual cleanliness is, if not universal, widespread and continues into the 21st century : " To be virtuous is to be physically clean and free from the impurity that is sin, " notes an article in " Scientific American " published 10 March 2009 . Some scholarship seeks to differentiate between " unclean spirit " and " evil spirit " ( " daimonion " ).
  16. Moreover, in Xenophon's " Apology of Socrates ", the philosopher s " daimonion " ( divine sign ) is described as giving positive indications about what to do ( 12 ), while the philosopher Socrates portrayed by Plato consistently and explicitly describes the " daimonion " as meant to  turn me away from something I am about to do, but  never encourage me to do anything.
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