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用"myer"造句"myer"怎么读"myer" in a sentence


  • 迈尔


  • 1997 first prize , myer foundation , sydney , australia
  • My friend , very beautiful myer , suzi pee , and sinderita
  • Author tom myer provides an overview of the global grid forum : what it is , how it works , and what it s involved in
    本文作者tom myer为我们概要介绍了global grid forum ,告诉我们它是什么、如何运作,以及其中所涉及的内容。
  • Thomas myer is the founding principal of triple dog dare media , an austin - tx based firm that specializes in building web services , xml , and database applications
    Triple dog dare media位于美国德克萨斯州的奥斯汀,是一家致力于构建web服务、 xml和数据库应用程序的公司。
  • Understand hydraulic fracturing engineering , prefer worked as frac engineer or sand control field engineer before , can use stimplan , or fraccad , myer , fracpro , etc to do preliminary design , mini frac analysis , post job match and report , more than 3 years would be an advantage
  • The chairman of the national gallery of australia , rupert myer , will talk about the roles of government , museums and collectors in the development of contemporary visual culture and will draw from a range of experiences as a leading business figure ; museum board member ; art collector ; chairman of a landmark australian government inquiry into the visual arts ; and as a member of australia s leading philanthropic family
    澳洲国家艺术画廊主席rupert myer将交流他多年以来以其商界领袖博物馆委员会委员艺术收藏家澳洲政府视觉艺术研究委员会主席,以及澳洲著名慈善家族的成员等多重身份,在推动当代艺术的心得和经验,从而探讨在当代视觉文化的发展上,政府博物馆和收藏家所扮演的不同角色。


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