Studies on mycelial respiration of several kinds of edible fungi 几种食用菌菌丝呼吸生理的研究
A study on the breath rate change of basidiomycetes at mycelial stage 担子菌菌丝体呼吸速率变化规律的研究
The optimum mycelial age for preparation of protoplast was at 24h time - point after inoculation and culture of conidia 制备该菌原生质体的最佳菌龄为从孢子接种起培养24h 。
Mycelial growth and exo - biopolymer production by submerged culture of various edible mushrooms under different media 中译:数种可食用真菌于含不同媒介之液态培养基中的菌丝体生长与外生物大分子的产生。
Recent epidemiological studies suggest the emergence of resistant strains of candida as well as mycelial fungi other than aspergillus in these patients 近来的流行病学研究表明:在这些患者中,除曲霉菌之外,念珠菌、丝状真菌都出现了抗性菌株。
Direct smear of urine from a patient with candidiasis of the kidney showing c . albicans in mycelial or tissue phase with blastoconidia budding from the pseudohyphae 第二张图片:是用患有肾念珠菌病的患者的小便做的直接涂片,显示有菌丝的白假丝酵母菌。以出芽方式增殖,在组织内可见芽生孢子和假菌丝。
Fig 1 . effect of temperature on mycelial growth of pestalotia psidii ( pp ) , colletotrichum gloeosporioides ( cg ) , phomopsis sp . ( ps ) , phyllosticta sp . ( pa ) and botryodiplodia theobromae ( bt ) after 2 days of incubation on pda 图一、温度对于五种番石榴果腐病菌的菌丝在马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基生长的影响。
Streptomyces are mycelial multicellular soil actinomycetes in which adverse environmental conditions induce a developmental program involving complex morphological differentiation coordinated with synthesis of an enormous variety of interesting and useful secondary metabolites 链霉菌是丝状多细胞土壤放线菌,土壤逆环境诱导链霉菌具有复杂形态分化生命周期,获得合成大量有用次生代谢物能力。
Steamed millets with water content of 45 % ( broomcorn ) and 42 % ( foxtail ) were inoculated with liquid culture of p . delphacis ( containing mycelial mass of ~ 25 mg / ml ) at a ratio of 20 % ( v / w ) and then incubated at 25 ? and l : d 12 : 12 将菌丝生物量约为25mg / ml的菌丝液按20的比例( v / w )接入经高温湿热灭菌并适度熟化、含水量分别为45和42的黍米及粟米中,在25和12l : 12d条件下直接培养,所获3 17d黍米和粟米培养物的产孢潜能和有效产孢时间因培养天数不同而异。
The rapd - pcr analyses were conducted with different colour basidiocarps from different origin pleurotus mushrooms . the results showed that there are same dna fingerpringing patterns among the mycelial isolates , pileus ( including lamellae ) and stipe from one basidiocarps , but the similarity coefficients between different origin and colour basidiocarps vary from 0 . 779 to 0 . 976 试验结果还表明:人工栽培产生的子实体及其组织分离菌丝体,与所用栽培菌种茵丝体及其种源子实体,都具有一致的rapd指纹图谱:而不同来源的子实体之间的dna相似系数在0 . 886 0 . 986之间。