We are forced to use a multiplicity of separate detector arrays . 我们要尽力用多个分离的检测器组成。
The time interval between the shots depends on the degree of multiplicity . 激发的时间间隔取决于叠加的程度。
The number of times an edge appears in a path is called the multiplicity of the edge . 一条边在一条路上出现的次数,称为该边的相重数。
The proper count of the multiplicity was settled by georges-henri halphen in 1873 . 真正计相重数的问题是由乔戈斯-享利黑尔芬在1873年解决的。
The multiplicity of development goals is mirrored by a variety of development measurements . 各种不同的发展目标,是通过各种不同的发展尺度来反映的。
A pagan, too, with his multiplicity of gods, would think it odd that the christian and the mohammedan should disagree . 一个信奉多神的异教徒也会认为,基督徒和伊斯兰教徒意见不一是古怪的。
The very multiplicity of responses to exogenous chemical growth regulators points to the essential contrast with animal hormones . 对外源化学生长调节剂的十分多样化的反应表明了与动物激素的主要差别。
Susceptible cells, when infected at a high multiplicity of infection with virus, produce many incomplete of defective viral particles . 易感细胞感染一种能高度增殖的病毒时能产生许多不全的或缺损的病毒粒子。
On a multiplicity of voices in william faulkner ' s novels 福克纳小说中的多重声音
Web content management : variation and multiplicity 网络内容管理的差异性与多元化
multiplicityとは意味:multiplicity n. 多数; 多様. 【前置詞+】 ◆Despite his vigorous constitution his health began to fail under the multiplicity of duties. 《文語》 頑丈な体であったが多種多様な仕事のプレッシャーで健康が衰えだした. 【+前置詞】 ◆It serves a multiplicity of ...