
underhand 同义词

  • sneaky, underhanded
    释义: 形容词 marked by deception; "achieved success in business only by underhand methods"

  • underhanded, underarm
    释义: 形容词 with hand brought forward and up from below shoulder level; "an underhand pitch"; "an underhand stroke"

  • underarm, underarm
    释义: 副词 with the hand swung below shoulder level; "throwing a ball underarm"

  • underhandedly, underhandedly
    释义: 副词 slyly and secretly; "Mean revenge, committed underhand"- John Donne; "oldline aristocratic diplomats underhandedly undermined the attempt...to align Germany with the Western democracies"- C.G.Bowers

  • underarm, underarm
    释义: 副词 with the hand swung below shoulder level; "throwing a ball underarm"

  • underhandedly, underhandedly
    释义: 副词 slyly and secretly; "Mean revenge, committed underhand"- John Donne; "oldline aristocratic diplomats underhandedly undermined the attempt...to align Germany with the Western democracies"- C.G.Bowers


  1. underhand 英文释义:marked by deception; "achieved success in business only by underhand methods"
  2. underhand 中文翻译adj.,adv.1.【板球、网球】低位手的[地]〔手的位置在肩或肘的水平线下〕;低手扔[打]的[地];(射箭)瞄准时目标见于左手下方的[地]。2.秘密的[地];不光明正大的[地],阴险的[地],卑鄙的[地]。

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