
swag 同义词

  • stagger, reel, keel, lurch, careen
    释义: 动词 walk as if unable to control one''s movements; "The drunken man staggered into the room"

  • sag, droop, flag
    释义: 动词 droop, sink, or settle from or as if from pressure or loss of tautness


  1. swag 英文释义:a bundle containing the personal belongings of a swagman
  2. swag 中文翻译n.1.摇晃,倾侧。2.〔俚语〕掠夺来的物品,赃物;用不正当手段得来的东西。3.〔澳大利亚〕(流动工人、流浪者的)背包。4.悬垂的花枝[花环];【建筑】垂花饰;水潭,洼地。vi.(-gg-) 1. 摇晃,倾侧。 2. [澳]背着背包旅行。 3. 垂下,沉下。

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