
rage 同义词

  • fad, craze, furor, furore, cult
    释义: 名词 an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season"

  • fury, madness
    释义: 名词 a feeling of intense anger; "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"; "his face turned red with rage"

  • passion
    释义: 名词 something that is desired intensely; "his rage for fame destroyed him"

  • ramp, storm
    释义: 动词 behave violently, as if in state of a great anger


  1. rage 英文释义:an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season"
  2. rage 中文翻译n.1.愤激,愤怒。2.激烈,猛烈;(风等的)狂暴。 3. 热望,渴望;热心,热狂,疯狂;〔口语〕战争狂。4.〔古语〕(诗人、预言者等的)灵感,热情;(音乐的)兴奋。5.(战时精神的)昂扬,热烈。6.〔口语〕狂欢作乐(的聚会)。7.(行动的)白热化。8.〔口语〕时兴东西。短语和例子vi.1.发怒 (at upon against)。2.发狂;(发狂)大嚷大叫。3.〔苏格兰语〕大骂。4.放肆,尽情做;狂欢作乐;(风)狂吹,(浪)汹涌;(疫病等)猖獗,(战争)猛烈进行;大流行,风行。vt.使怒;使狂暴。 rage oneself 狂暴起来。 rage itself out (暴风雨等)平息下来。
  3. rage 法语翻译:音标:[raʒ ]动词变位提示:rage是rager的变位形式f. 狂犬病,恐水症;剧痛;狂怒;酷爱f. 狂怒, 狂犬病, 发作, 激情ragef.狂犬病,恐水病;狂rage de dent牙痛近义词colère, emportement, fureur, frénésie, fureur, furie, manie, passion, furieux

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