
puff 同义词

  • blow
    释义: 名词 forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth; "he gave his nose a loud blow"; "he blew out all the candles with a single puff"

  • drag, pull
    释义: 名词 a slow inhalation (as of tobacco smoke); "he took a puff on his pipe"; "he took a drag on his cigarette and expelled the smoke slowly"

  • powderpuff
    释义: 名词 a soft spherical object made from fluffy fibers; for applying powder to the skin

  • quilt, comforter, comfort
    释义: 名词 bedding made of two layers of cloth filled with stuffing and stitched together

  • pant, gasp, heave
    释义: 动词 breathe noisily, as when one is exhausted; "The runners reached the finish line, panting heavily"

  • huff, chuff
    释义: 动词 blow hard and loudly; "he huffed and puffed as he made his way up the mountain"

  • puff up, blow up, puff out
    释义: 动词 to swell or cause to enlarge, "Her faced puffed up from the drugs"; "puffed out chests"

  • puff up
    释义: 动词 praise extravagantly; "The critics puffed up this Broadway production"

  • whiff
    释义: 动词 smoke and exhale strongly; "puff a cigar"; "whiff a pipe"

  • drag, draw
    释义: 动词 suck in or take (air); "draw a deep breath"; "draw on a cigarette"

  • puffed
    释义: 形容词 gathered for protruding fullness; "puff sleeves"


  1. puff 英文释义:forceful exhalation through the nose or mouth; "he gave his nose a loud blow"; "he blew out all the candles with a single puff"
  2. puff 中文翻译n.1.一吹[喷];噗的一吹[喷];一阵,一股(气味、烟雾等);吹[喷]的声音;(烟等)一喷的分量。2.噗的一声臌胀起来;臌胀起来的东西[部份]。3.被子;鸭绒被。 4. 夸奖,吹嘘,自我宣传。5.粉扑〔又叫 powder-puff〕。6.(奶油)松饼。7.〔美俚〕广告。8.〔美俚〕向女性献殷勤的人。短语和例子vi.1.噗噗地喷气,噗噗地喷烟 (out up) 噗噗地喷着气开动;喘气;喘着气走。2.膨胀,噗地膨起 (up out)。3.〔古语〕哼的一声用鼻音应酬 (at) (拍卖时)把价钱哄抬上去。 puff and blow 喘气。 puff away at one's cigar 一口口猛喷着雪茄烟。 puff out 喘着气说;(烟)噗噗噗地喷。 The engine puffed out of the station. 火车头噗噗地喷着气驶出车站。vt.1.喷(烟等),噗噗地吹去(灰尘等)。2.〔口语〕使喘气。3.使噗的一下膨起;使自满,使得意 (up); 乱夸,瞎吹;(拍卖时)把(价钱)哄抬上去。短语和例子-ing1.n. 噗噗吹;夸奖;【拍卖】虚价。2.adj. 乱夸奖的。
  3. puff 法语翻译:专业辞典n.m【生物学】膨突

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