
chase 同义词

  • pursuit, pursual, following
    释义: 名词 the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture; "the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit"

  • chase after
    释义: 动词 pursue someone sexually or romantically


  1. chase 英文释义:the act of pursuing in an effort to overtake or capture; "the culprit started to run and the cop took off in pursuit"
  2. chase 中文翻译n.蔡斯〔姓氏〕。vt.1.追赶,追击;追随,追逐。2.追寻,寻觅。3.驱逐,驱除。4.〔俚语〕(男女间)竭力追求。5.〔俚语〕端递(食物),上(菜)。 chase fear from the mind 驱除恐怖心。 chase a cat out of the garden 把猫赶出花园去。 Please chase the milk this way. 请把牛奶递到这边来。vi.1.追逐,追赶;跟踪 (after)。2.东奔西跑,匆忙地走。短语和例子n.1.追赶,追击;追猎;追求。2.〔the chase〕打猎。3.〔英国〕(私人的)猎场;狩猎地,(一定地区内的)狩猎权。4.追求物;被追的野兽[人];被驱赶的船[车等]。5.〔美俚〕紧张忙乱的活动。6.(网球的)一种击球法。短语和例子vt.在(金属上)雕花(作装饰);在(金属上)打出浮凸花样的装饰;刻镶(宝石);用螺纹梳刀刻(螺纹)。n.1.沟;槽;(墙上的)水管槽, 竖沟。2.(炮的)前身〔炮耳至炮口部分〕,炮身。3.【印刷】(已排好的)活字版的框架。vt.在…上开槽。

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