
box 同义词

  • loge
    释义: 名词 private area in a theater or grandstand where a small group can watch the performance; "the royal box was empty"

  • box seat
    释义: 名词 the driver''s seat on a coach; "an armed guard sat in the box with the driver"

  • boxwood
    释义: 名词 evergreen shrubs or small trees

  • boxful
    释义: 名词 the quantity contained in a box; "he gave her a box of chocolates"

  • corner
    释义: 名词 a predicament from which a skillful or graceful escape is impossible; "his lying got him into a tight corner"

  • package
    释义: 动词 put into a box; "box the gift, please"


  1. box 英文释义:a blow with the hand (usually on the ear); "I gave him a good box on the ear"
  2. box 中文翻译n.1.箱,柜,匣,盒;罩壳;钱柜;〔美口〕保险箱;邮箱,信箱;〔英国〕礼盒;礼物(旅行用)衣箱。2.一箱,一盒。3.(戏院等的)包厢;(饭店等的)分格座位;(马等的)格形厩;(法庭的)证人席;陪审席;被告席;专席。4.哨房,岗亭,信号所,事务所;〔英国〕(猎人等的)小屋;电话间;〔美国〕猎鸭小船。5.(马车等的)驭者座;(卡车的)车兜。6.(窗)框,壁橱;【机械工程】轴承箱,箱状部分;箱状物。7.【棒球】投手位;打手位。 〔俚语〕(足球)禁区;(以线标出的)小区。8.〔美国〕(树上挖的)取液孔。9.(报纸上的)花边读物。10.〔俚语〕话匣子,留声机;电唱机;电视机。11.〔俚语〕弦乐器;钢琴。短语和例子vt.1.把…装盒[装箱],给…装上罩壳;包围。2.把…做成箱形[盒形]。3.分隔。4.【航海】使(船)顺风转向。5.在树上挖孔采液汁。6.【气象学】沿(风暴区)边缘作箱形飞行。7.使挤在一处。短语和例子n.一掌,一拳。 He gave the boy a box on his ear. 他打了那个男孩一记耳光。vt.1.用手打,用拳头打。2.和…比拳。短语和例子vi.打拳,从事拳击运动〔比赛〕。 He has boxed since he was 16. 他十六岁就参加拳击比赛了。 box it out 打(拳)到胜负分晓。n.【植物;植物学】黄杨;黄杨木,(=boxwood)。
  3. box 法语翻译:音标:[bɔks]n.m. 马厩的栏;(宿舍、法庭等内)隔开的小间;车库的个人停车泊位,停车房的分间n.m. 光滑的铬鞣小牛革boxm.汽车库近义词compartiment, loge, stalle

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