She is eminently calculated for a mother-in-law . 人家都说她做婆婆最合适不过了。
My mother-in-law would discard them on the spot . 我的岳母是会当场把它们扔掉的。
Mr. peter alluded to his difficulties with his mother-in-law . 彼得先生向他岳母很婉转的说出他的困难。
Even the boisterous mirth of sir john and his mother-in-law was interesting . 甚至约翰爵士和他岳母那喧嚣的快乐样子都成为有趣的。
I am sorry . i can not show you the slides right now because i lent my projector to my mother-in-law . 我很抱歉,我现在不能马上把幻灯片给你看,因为我把放映机借给我岳母了。
Austere micah hale wanted to be lenient at this moment, the last during which he would see his powerful mother-in-law . 这是与他高贵的岳母的最后一面,严格的弥迦黑尔此刻愿意宽宏大量一些。