Imperialism is monopolistic , parasitic and moribund capitalism . 帝国主义是垄断的、寄生的、垂死的资本主义。
As the chain mushroomed in the 1970s, complaints of monopolistic arrogance threatened gannett's image . 七十年代甘尼特报系蓬勃发展起来时,对垄断这种霸道的不满威胁到甘尼特的形象。
This concept has been used analytically in the linked curve model of oligopoly and the theory of monopolistic competition . 这个概念用于分析寡头垄断市场的拗折曲线模型以及垄断竞争理论。
The analysis of monopolistic competition market by ahp method 方法分析垄断竞争市场
Equilibrium of the monopolistic firm in the newspaper market 报业市场的垄断厂商均衡
Study on entering market about natural monopolistic business 自然垄断行业市场准入问题探讨
Analysis of the performance of the monopolistic state - owned enterprises 垄断型国有企业绩效分析
In china , the power industry is a traditional monopolistic industry 电力工业是传统的垄断行业。
Some thoughts over reforms of monopolistic operation of infrastructure 基础设施垄断运营的改革思路
Brief discussion on the legislative binding of several monopolistic acts 浅议几种垄断行为的立法约束