monogastric animals, such as pigs and poultry, are not able to utilize phytate phosphorus efficiently, since they have only low levels of phytase activity in their digestive tracts, phytate also acts as an antinutritional agent in monogastric animals by chelating various microelements needed by the animal 由于单胃动物如猪、鸡等的消化道中植酸酶活性很低,导致它们无法有效利用植酸磷。同时,植酸也是一种抗营养因子,因为它能螯合许多动物生长所必须的微量元素。
Monogastric animals, such as pigs and poultry, are not able to utilize phytate phosphorus efficiently, since they have only low levels of phytase activity in their digestive tracts, phytate also acts as an antinutritional agent in monogastric animals by chelating various microelements needed by the animal 由于单胃动物如猪、鸡等的消化道中植酸酶活性很低,导致它们无法有效利用植酸磷。同时,植酸也是一种抗营养因子,因为它能螯合许多动物生长所必须的微量元素。