- mollycoddlers mollycoddler ; n. ; mollycoddle的变形 ; mollycoddle ; ['m?li,k?dl] ; n. ; 娇生惯养的人,娇弱的人,脂粉气的男人,懦夫 ; 假正经的人,伪善的人,假虔诚的人 ; vt. ; 娇养;纵容;宠坏 ; 变形: ; vt. ; mollycoddled ; . mollycoddling
- mollycoddled v. 娇养,宠坏( mollycoddle的过去式和过去分词 )
- mollycoddles v. 娇养, 宠坏( mollycoddle的第三人称单数 )
- mollyann [网络] 月季花泰迪熊
- mollycoddling v. 娇养,宠坏( mollycoddle的现在分词 )
- molly-whops Mollywhop-(V.)1.When a grown man beats another grown man as if he were a girl under the age of 10. Getting mollywhopped is not a regular beatdown, but a beating where the victim is so physically or mentally incapable of fighting back they go down like a little bitch. ; ; 2.When a man beats another person using only the head of their penis see[Mushroom Stamp]. For the best example, an imprint of the penis head should be visible for a minimum of 2 days after. ; > 1.You shoulda seen Debo mollywhop that faggot. He stomped a mudhole in his ass! ; > 2.Her face was so covered in mushroom stamps after that mollywhopping, it looked like she had an allergic reaction to dick. ;
- mollycoddlings vt. 溺爱;纵容 ; n. 女性化的男人;懦夫
- molly-whopping Punching in the face in a circular motion while holding onto someones hair ; > Two girls where in a fight, and one started ; > Mollywhopping the other one. ;
- mollycot [网络] 莫利科特
- molly-whopped To totally and utterly kick some ones ass! ; > Man 1: *Throws up gang sign* ; > Man 2: Boy you is finna get Molly Whopped up in this bitch! ;