He was within his walls, secure from all molest . 他在自己屋里,不受任何干扰。
Warrior, hand of mine shall never molest your scalp . 战士,我的手决不碰你的头皮。
But it can molest maria . 可是这会使玛丽亚心里难受。
I was well received by my fellow-pupils; treated as an equal by those of my own age, and not molested by any . 同学们都待我很好,和我年龄相仿的同学们把我当作和他们平等的人来对待,没有人来欺侮我。
The molested boy helped you .-oh, no . no-- 那个被猥亵的男孩帮了你-噢,没,没--
-the molested boy helped you .-oh, no . no- -那个被猥亵的男孩帮了你-噢,没,没-