moderate adj. 有节制的,温和的,稳健的;中庸的;中等的;适度的;普通的;〔美俚〕(人等)慢吞吞的,迟钝的;【物理学】慢化的,减速的。 a moderate breeze 和风,四级风。 a moderate gale 疾风,七级风。 moderate prices 公道的价格。 moderate terms 适度的条件[代价]。 n. 稳健的人,温和主义者。 vt. 使和缓,使减轻;节制,节约;调节;【物理学】慢化,减速。 vi. 变和缓;变稳定;做调人,做会场司仪,主持(会议)。 exercise a moderating influence on 对…起缓和作用。 adv. -ly 适度,适中,普通。 n. -ness
As for courage, a moderate-sized cock-turkey had been known to put her to rout at the very first gobble . 要说胆量,据说有一次一只并不算大的雄火鸡,刚张开嘴巴啼了一声,就把她吓得抱头鼠窜。
Suddenly he bumps into a moderate - sized bucket full of water . " wow , the water indeed has talent to be drunk ! " he exclaims . he is so happy that his ears are lifting 然后,他与路边一个大小适中又装满水的水桶偶然邂逅。他赞叹道:啊,这些水很有被喝掉的天分!他开心得耳朵都竖起来。
It is just a moderate - sized iso you can send around , or quickly press onto cds , giving users a good first impression of linux and enough tools to get some real work or play done during the trial 它正是一个大小适度的iso ,您可以到处发放或者快速地刻录到cd上,给用户一个关于linux的良好的初步印象(有试验中有足够的工具可以进行一些真正的工作和娱乐) 。