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用"microplate"造句"microplate"怎么读"microplate" in a sentence


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  • Whole microplate wash or per strip wash for 96 tests microplate
  • Comparison of metacarpal and phalangeal fracture with microplate and kirschner wire
  • Standard guide for conducting renewal microplate - based life - cycle toxicity tests with a marine meiobenthic copepod
  • Microplate luminometry for toxicity bioassay of environmental pollutant on a new type of fresh water luminescent bacterium vibrio - qinghaiensis sp . - q
  • Average absorbance was read at x 490nm in automated microplate reader . in a second experiment , the released ldh due to ogd insult was measured
    另一组平行实验测得各组脑片上清和匀浆ldh ,计算ldh释放率。
  • On the basis of acetone - phosphomolybdate method to detect phosphorus , the microplate method was developed for the determination of activity units of phytase
  • Out of the 26 mutants detected by mpcr - rflp , only 16 and 18 mutants were found by melting curve assay and pcr microplate hybridization - elisa , respectively
    5 . 44份出现病毒学反跳的血清,用mpcr一盯lp法检测26例为ymdd突变株, 18例为野生株。
  • Animal health analysis methods - detection of antibodies specific for salmonella pullorum gallinarum in hen serum by slow microplate agglutination
  • The equipment here may be pipette , electrophoresis system capillary , transblot system , chest / oven molecule hybridization , water bath , dna sequencer , microplate - reader for elisa , microplate washer and so on
    本区所使用的仪器设备可能有加样器、电泳仪(槽) 、电转印仪、杂交炉或杂交箱、水浴箱、 dna测序仪、酶标仪和洗板机等。
  • The equipment shall be composed of : microplate reader for elisa ( or analyser elisa , analyser enzyme fluorescent assay ) , microplate washer , micropipette , water - bath or temperature cabinet , refrigerator , shaker for microplate . etc
    仪器设备组合应为:酶标仪(或酶免分析系统、酶免荧光分析仪等) 、洗板机、加样器、水浴箱或温箱、冰箱、酶标板振荡器等。
  • 更多例句:  1  2


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