So microorganic nematocides could be applied for tobacco production 因此,微生物杀线虫剂可在烤烟生产上推广应用。
Study of microorganic nematicide for controlling tobacco knot nematodiasis 几种微生物杀线虫剂对烟草根结线虫病的防效试验
Establishment and practice of the teaching mode of the research - oriented course for semi - microorganic syntheses experiment 研究型课程半微量有机合成实验教学模式的构建与实践
Using field plot test , the control effects of three microorganic nematicides : ipc , zk7 and 412 were tested from tobacco biological character , infection situation and economic properties 摘要为了确定3种微生物杀线虫剂ipc , zk7 , 412对烟草根结线虫病的防治效果,通过田间小区试验,从对烤烟的生物学性状、发病情况、经济学性状等方面进行了全面考察。
1 , 451 strains fermentation products were tested by agar difussion method to screen the antibacterial bioactive substances . as a result , 13 microorganic metabolites have prominent antibacterial bioactivity towards staphalococcus aureus . 采用琼脂扩散法抗菌模型对1 , 451个分离菌株的发酵产物进行抗菌活性物质筛选,结果发现对金黄色葡萄球菌有强抑菌作用的菌株13株。