- 鱼米之乡什么意思:yú mǐ zhī xiāng 【解释】指盛产鱼和稻米的富饶地方。【出处】明·施耐庵《水浒全传》第三十六回:“我知江州是个好地面,鱼米之乡,特地使钱买将那里去。”【示例】我的家乡是一个~。【拼音码】ymzx【用法】偏正式;作主语、宾语;含褒义【英文】a land flowing with milk and honey
- 鱼米之乡的英语:a region, where the cultivation of rice and the breeding of fish flourish; a district where fish and rice are abundant; a fertile “land of fish and rice”; a fertile region; a land flowing with milk and honey; a land of fish and rice -- a land of plenty; a region abundant in fish and rice; a rich district with plenty of fish and rice; a town known for its abundance of fish and rice; land of agriculture and fishery; home of fish and rice
- 鱼米之乡的日语:〈成〉水産物や米がよくとれる肥沃で豊かな土地.▼江南地方をさしていうことが多い.
- 鱼米之乡的韩语:【성어】 쌀밥에 생선국 먹는 곳;(바다 가까운 곳의) 살기 좋은 땅.穷乡变成鱼米之乡;가난하던 고장이 쌀밥에 생선국 먹는 살기 좋은 땅으로 변했다 =[鱼米乡]
- 鱼米之乡的俄语:[yú mǐ zhī xiāng] край, изобилующий рыбой и рисом