- 颠沛流离什么意思:diān pèi liú lí 【解释】由于灾荒或战乱而流转离散。形容生活艰难,四处流浪。【出处】《诗·大雅·荡》:“人亦有言,颠沛之揭。”《汉书·薛广德传》:“窃见关东困极,人民流离。”【示例】我所感到悲哀的,是有几个同我来的学生,至今还找不到学校进,还在~。(鲁迅《而已集·通信》)【拼音码】dpll【灯谜面】市【用法】联合式;作谓语、定语、状语;表示由天灾人祸造成【英文】be homeless and miserable
- 颠沛流离的英语:(生活艰难, 四处流浪) wander [drift] from place to place, enduring many hardships; be a vagabond, not by choice but by necessity; be put to one's shift, away from home; be vagrant on account of poverty; in difficulty and distress; lead a homeless life; lead a vagrant life; wander about in a desperate plight [in distress]: 在旧社会, 残酷的剥削和连年不断的军阀混战, 使劳动人民过着颠沛流离的生活。 in the old society, owing to cruel exploitation and succesive years of tangled warfare among warloads, the labouring people led a vagrant life
- 颠沛流离的法语:vagabonder sur les chemins;n'avoir ni feu ni lieu;être sur le pavé
- 颠沛流离的日语:〈成〉困窮して流浪の身となる.
- 颠沛流离的韩语:【성어】 영락(零落)하여 유랑(流浪)하다.