- 集腋成裘什么意思:jí yè chéng qiú 【解释】狐狸腋下的皮虽很小,但聚集起来就能制一件皮袍。比喻积少成多。【出处】《慎子·知忠》:“狐白之裘,盖非一狐之皮也。”【示例】如今弄多少是多少,也只好是~了。(《儿女英雄传》第三回)【拼音码】jycq【用法】连动式;作主语、谓语、宾语;比喻积少成多【英文】many a little makes a mickle
- 集腋成裘的英语:collect bits of fur under the foxes' forelegs to make a robe; every little makes a mickle.; make a fur coat from many pieces of felt -- get the benefit of many opinions; many a little makes a mickle.; many a mickle makes a muckle.; many drops of water make an ocean.; many small things put together make a great deal.; penny and penny laid up will be many.; put together the pieces under the forelegs (of foxes) to make robes; small contributions are equally welcome.; the accretion of particles forms a mass.; the bits of fur from the axillae of many foxes taken together will make a robe.; the finest fragments of fox fur, sewn together, will make a robe
- 集腋成裘的法语:en rassemblant les peaux des aisselles on arrive à faire une fourrure./les petits ruisseaux font les grandes rivières.
- 集腋成裘的日语:〈成〉狐のわきの下の毛皮も寄せ集めれば毛皮の上着になる.ちりも積もれば山となる.
- 集腋成裘的韩语:【성어】 백여우의 겨드랑이 가죽을 모아 갖옷을 만들다;티끌모아 태산. 여러 사람이 협력하면 큰일도 할 수 있다.