- 赶走什么意思:gǎnzǒu(1)[stave off]∶用棍棒或尤似用棍棒打退 [动物或人]把狗赶走(2)[vote out]∶使不在职或不当权被新任的地方长官赶走(3)[dislodge;dive away]∶强迫离开日本人始终未能把他们从这些山中赶走(4)[drive;oust;chase;banish]∶驱逐
- 赶走的英语:drive away; expel; throw out; send sb. packing; turn sb. out of doors; show sb. the door; drive sb. out of the door; turn sb. out of the house; kick sb. downstairs; put sb. to the door; kick out of; see the back of sb.; hunt; turn out sb.: 你再争嘴, 我就把你赶走。 if you go on arguing, i'll turn you out of doors
- 赶走的法语:délogementécarterexclurechasserficher ou fiche
- 赶走的日语:追い払う.追い出す.
- 赶走的韩语:[동사] 쫓아내다. 내쫓다. 내몰다.他说了个笑话, 赶走了我们的疲劳;그는 우스갯소리를 해서, 우리의 피로를 풀어 주었다
- 赶走的俄语:[gǎnzǒu] прогнать; изгнать