

  • 腾云驾雾什么意思:téng yún jià wù 【解释】原是传说中指会法术的人乘云雾飞行,后形容奔驰迅速或头脑发昏。【拼音码】tyjw【灯谜面】半空中骑马;飞机上跳伞航天【用法】联合式;作谓语;用于人【英文】speed across the sky
  • 腾云驾雾的英语:mount the clouds and ride the mist -- become an immortal; (she) felt as though (she) were treading on clouds.; fly up to the cloudy regions; ride on a cloud; ride on the mists and clouds; ride the clouds and harness the mists; riding the clouds and mounting the mist -- feel giddy [dizzy]; travel through space
  • 腾云驾雾的日语:〈成〉(1)(伝説で)魔術を使って空中を飛行する.(2)有頂点になっているさま.(アヘンを吸って)いい気持ちになっているさま.
  • 腾云驾雾的韩语:【성어】(1)구름과 안개를 타고 하늘을 날다. =[云来雾去](2)아주 빠름·어질어질함·허황함·몸이 아주 가뿐함 따위를 형용.他说得腾云驾雾, 不能相信;그가 말하는 것은 구름을 타는 것과 같아서 믿을 수 없다
  • 腾云驾雾的俄语:[téngyún jiàwù] обр. унестись в заоблачные дали


  1. "快乐得像在腾云驾雾一般"怎么读
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  5. "腾云乐团"怎么读

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