- 神采奕奕什么意思:shén cǎi yì yì 【解释】奕奕:精神焕发的样子。形容精神饱满,容光焕发。【拼音码】scyy【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语、补语;含褒义【英文】glowing with health and radiating vigour
- 神采奕奕的英语:be in good [fine] fettle; as fit as a fiddle; beaming and buoyant in spirits; brim over with health and spirits; brim with energy and vitality; bursting from head to foot with health and spirits; full of beans; full of spirit and energy; glowing with health and radiating vigour [vitality]; in fine [fair; good] fettle; in good spirits; in high spirits; look as if one came [stepped] out of a bandbox; on top of the world; with a radiant look 短语和例子
- 神采奕奕的法语:tout rayonnant de santvisage épanoui et rayonnant de santé;débordant de vie et d'énergi
- 神采奕奕的日语:shen2cai3yi4yi4元气はつらつ
- 神采奕奕的韩语:【성어】 기력이 왕성하다. 늠름하다. 원기왕성하다.老校长神采奕奕地登上讲台;노교장이 늠름하게 강단에 올랐다
- 神采奕奕的俄语:pinyin:shéncǎiyìyìбодрый и воодушевлённый вид; выражение крепкого здоровья и одухотворённости на лице