- 瞠乎其后什么意思:chēng hū qí hòu 【解释】在别人后面干瞪眼赶不上。形容远远落在后面。【出处】《庄子·田子方》:“夫子奔逸绝尘,而回瞠若乎后矣。”【示例】乾隆朝的“十全武功”固然~,就是康熙朝的平三藩之乱,论规模、论艰难,也都不如。(高阳《玉座珠帘》上册)【拼音码】chqh【用法】偏正式;作谓语;用于书面语【英文】be left far behind, without any hope of catching up
- 瞠乎其后的英语:stare at from behind -- to fall far behind; be a far cry from sb.; be left far behind; be nowhere; consider oneself inferior to another; fail to secure a leading place; feel one is not another's equal; stare at others and lay far behind; unable to overtake [catch up]; stare helplessly at the vanishing back of the runner ahead -- to despair of catching up
- 瞠乎其后的日语:〈成〉後れをとって,ただ後から見つめるだけ.追いつけない.落後する.
- 瞠乎其后的韩语:【성어】 뻔히 보면서 따라잡지 못하다. 뒤에서 바라볼 뿐 어찌할 수 없다. 너무 뒤에 처져 있어서 따라갈 수 없다. =[瞠乎后矣] →[望wàng尘莫及]