- 相形见绌什么意思:xiāng xíng jiàn chù 【解释】和同类的事物相比较,显出不足。【拼音码】xxjc【灯谜面】小鬼见钟馗东施效颦【用法】偏正式;作谓语、定语;用于人或事【英文】pale before (beside/by the side of)
- 相形见绌的英语:be inferior by [upon] comparison; appear deficient in comparison; be effaced by the presence of a superior; be pale before [besides; by the side of]; be outshone; can not hold a candle to (sb.); fail to secure a leading place; when compared with others, it looks very poor.; lose [suffer] by comparison; make ... seem pallid by comparison; overshadow; pale by [in] comparison; pale into insignificance by comparison; placed side by side with the other, this is conspicuous by its inferiority.; prove definitely inferior; take the shine out of; the one pales beside the other; the one throws the other into the shade, whenplaced alongside.; throw into comparative obscurity
- 相形见绌的法语:être comparativement moins qualifié;ne pas pouvoir soutenir la comparaison avec;la comparaison lui porte tort.
- 相形见绌的日语:〈成〉比べてみるとひどく見劣りがする.在这点上说,它们使一切文学艺术相形见绌/この点からいえば,これらのものはすべての文学?芸術を見劣りさせる.
- 相形见绌的韩语:【성어】 (다른 것과) 비교하여 부족함이 드러나다.跟劳模们一比, 才相形见绌, 显出自己的工作太差劲chàjìn了;모범 노동자들과 비교해 봄으로써 우열이 드러나 자신의 일하는 것이 얼마나 신통치 못한지 분명해진다 →[小xiǎo巫见大巫]
- 相形见绌的俄语:[xiāng xíng jiàn chù] обр. бледнеть перед кем-либо/чем-либо; уступать кому-либо/чему-либо