- 满天星斗什么意思:
- 拼音:mǎn tiān xīng dǒu
- 注音:ㄇㄢˇ ㄊㄧㄢ ㄒㄧㄥ ㄉㄡˇ
满天星斗- 【拼音】:mǎn tiān xīng dǒu
- 【解释】:星斗:星的总称。布满天空的星星。比喻事情多而杂乱。后形容文章华美。
- 【出处】:唐·杜牧《华清宫三十韵》:“雷霆驰号令,星斗焕文章。”
- 【示例】:淅淅潇潇飞落叶,飘飘荡荡卷浮云。~皆昏昧,遍地尘沙尽洒纷。 ◎明·吴承恩《西游记》第三十七回
- 满天星斗的英语:the sky was covered with stars.; a sky sown with stars; a starry sky; a star-studded sky; bright stars studded the sky.; the heavens were full of stars and the constellations stood clear and bright.; the sky was full of stars.; the sky was glorious with stars.; the sky was studded with (numerous) stars
- 满天星斗的法语:ciel étoil
- 满天星斗的俄语:pinyin:mǎntiānxīngdǒuнебо полно звёзд