- 泪如泉涌什么意思:lèi rú quán yǒng 【解释】眼泪象泉水一样直往外涌。形容悲痛或害怕之极。【出处】明·罗贯中《三国演义》第八回:“允曰:‘汝可怜汉天下生灵!’言讫,泪如泉涌。”【拼音码】lrqy【用法】主谓式;作谓语、定语;含褒义,用于书面语
- 泪如泉涌的英语:the tears run like a bubbling spring.; a stream of tears; one's tears gush forth in floods.; tears flow plentifully.; tears gush out like a spring.; tears well up in one's eyes.; the fountain of one's tears gushed forth.; the fount of one's tears open afresh.; the tears flow in streams
- 泪如泉涌的法语:verser des torrents de larmes
- 泪如泉涌的日语:〈成〉涙が泉のように湧き出る.たいへん悲しんでいるさま.
- 泪如泉涌的韩语:【성어】 눈물이 샘물처럼 솟아 나오다.