- 损人利己什么意思:sǔn rén lì jǐ 【解释】损害别人,使自己得到好处。【出处】《旧唐书·陆象先传》:“为政者理则可矣,何必严刑树威。损人益己,恐非仁恕之道。”【示例】凡有~之心的人,其结果都不妙。(毛泽东《新民主主义的宪政》)【拼音码】srlj【灯谜面】卖米搀沙子【用法】联合式;作谓语、宾语、定语;含贬义【英文】seek satisfaction for oneself at the cost of others
- 损人利己的英语:harm others to benefit oneself; benefit oneself at other people's cost;benefit [enrich] oneself at the cost [expense] of others; benefit oneself at the expense of others; gain at others' expense; harm others to benefit oneself; hurt others for the sake of one's own gain; hurt sb. for one's own benefit; injure others for (the sake of) one's own advantage; injure others for one's own profit [benefit]; injure others in order to benefit oneself; injure others to benefit oneself; profit at others' [another's] expense; profit [benefit oneself] at the expense of others; profit at the expense of others [at others' expense]; profiteer at the expense of others; seek personal ends at the expense of others; seek satisfaction for oneself at other's expense 短语和例子
- 损人利己的法语:rechercher son intérêt au détriment des autres;assurer des avantages aux dépens d'autrui
- 损人利己的日语:〈成〉他人に損をさせて自分の利益をはかる.损人利己,唯 wéi 利是图/他人を損ねて自分が儲かるように,もっぱら利益を追い求める.
- 损人利己的韩语:【성어】 남에게 손해를 끼치고 자기의 이익만을 도모하다.
- 损人利己的俄语:[sǔnrén lìjǐ] обр. добиваться личной выгоды в ущерб интересам других; поживиться за чужой счёт